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“Irregularization” of systems of conservation laws
Materials Theory Pub Date : 2018-08-15 , DOI: 10.1186/s41313-018-0012-x
Hunter Swan , Woosong Choi , Stefanos Papanikolaou , Matthew Bierbaum , Yong S. Chen , James P. Sethna

We explore new ways of regulating defect behavior in systems of conservation laws. Contrary to usual regularization schemes (such as a vanishing viscosity limit), which attempt to control defects by making them smoother, our schemes result in defects which are more singular, and we thus refer to such schemes as “irregularizations”. In particular, we seek to produce delta shock defects which satisfy a condition of stationarity. We are motivated to pursue such exotic defects by a physical example arising from dislocation dynamics in materials physics, which we describe.


