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The efficiency and reliability of pollutant removal in a hybrid constructed wetland with giant miscanthus and Jerusalem artichoke in Poland
Ecological Engineering ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-02-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2018.11.008
Michał Marzec , Magdalena Gizińska-Górna , Krzysztof Jóźwiakowski , Aneta Pytka-Woszczyło , Alina Kowalczyk-Juśko , Magdalena Gajewska

Abstract In this paper, we analysed the pollutant removal efficiency and reliability of a vertical and horizontal flow hybrid constructed wetland (CW) planted with giant miscanthus and Jerusalem artichoke. The wastewater treatment plant, located in south-eastern Poland, treated domestic sewage at an average flow rate of 1.2 m3·d−1. The tests were carried out during. 5-years of operation of the sewage treatment plant (2011–2016). During this period, sewage samples were collected from three stages of wastewater treatment in four seasons (winter – February, spring – May, summer – August, and autumn – November). The following parameters were measured: BOD5, COD, total suspended solids, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus. The average effectiveness of organic pollutant removal expressed by BOD5 and COD was 98.8 and 97.6%, respectively, and the removal efficiency for total suspended solids was 93%. The average values of BOD5, COD, and total suspended solids in wastewater discharged to the receiver were significantly lower than the limit values required in Poland. The efficiency of total nitrogen and total phosphorus removal was 64.1 and 68.1%, respectively, and the average values of these components in the outflow from the treatment plant exceeded the standard levels. A reliability analysis performed using the Weibull probability model showed that the reliability of pollutant removal in the tested CW system was very high for BOD5 and COD (100%). It was also demonstrated that the tested CW did not provide effective elimination of biogenic elements (nitrogen and phosphorus), as evidenced by the low reliability values – 32 and 28%, respectively. The investigated hybrid CW system with giant miscanthus and Jerusalem artichoke removed organic and biogenic pollutants with a similar efficiency as systems using classic plant species such as reed and willow.



摘要 在本文中,我们分析了种植巨型芒草和菊芋的垂直和水平流混合人工湿地(CW)的污染物去除效率和可靠性。污水处理厂位于波兰东南部,处理生活污水的平均流量为 1.2 m3·d-1。测试期间进行。污水处理厂运行 5 年(2011-2016 年)。在此期间,从四个季节(冬季-2 月、春季-5 月、夏季-8 月和秋季-11 月)的三个废水处理阶段收集污水样品。测量了以下参数:BOD5、COD、总悬浮固体、总氮和总磷。以BOD5和COD表示的有机污染物去除效果平均分别为98.8%和97.6%,总悬浮物去除率为93%。排放到接收器的废水中 BOD5、COD 和总悬浮固体的平均值明显低于波兰要求的限值。总氮和总磷的去除效率分别为64.1%和68.1%,处理厂出水中这些组分的平均值均超标。使用威布尔概率模型进行的可靠性分析表明,在测试的 CW 系统中,BOD5 和 COD(100%)污染物去除的可靠性非常高。还证明测试的 CW 没有提供生物元素(氮和磷)的有效消除,低可靠性值证明了这一点 - 分别为 32% 和 28%。