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Epidemiology and clinical analysis of the breakout of dengue fever in Zhangshu City, Jiangxi Province in 2019
Médecine et Maladies Infectieuses ( IF 5 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.medmal.2020.09.017
Jingen Wang , Qiubo Chen , Zhongbao Jiang , Xiaoju Li , Huiping Kuang , Ting Chen , Feng Liu , Wujuan Zhou , Yanxia Huang , Yong Luo , Jianfeng Rao , Ju Weihua , Wang Li , Xuping Peng , Zhicheng Zhang , Hongyi Chen

Objective: To analyze the epidemiological and clinical features of dengue fever in Zhangshu in 2019 and provides evidence for the treatment, prevention and control of dengue fever.

Methods: The study included 718 dengue fever patients. The epidemiological data and clinical features of patients were collected and counted. Multiple adjuvant therapies were applied to patients and were used to detect the recovery conditions after treatment.

Results: The patients were aged from 0.75 to 92 years old. All patients had fever in the course of the disease with the highest reaching 40.5C°. 519 cases (72.28%) had hypodynamia, 413 cases (57.72%) had generalized myalgia and bone ache; 356 cases (49.58%) had thirst; 289 cases (40.25%) had a bitter taste in the mouth; 167 cases (23.26%) had thirst and a bitter taste in the mouth at the same time; 279 cases (38.86%) had rash; 93 cases (12.95%) had pruritus; leukocyte of 587 cases (81.75%) was decreased, among which leukocyte of 7 cases (0.97%) was lower than 1×109/L; thrombocyte of 380 cases (52.92%) was decreased, among which thrombocyte of 29 cases (4.03%) was lower than 50×109/L; AST of 488 cases (67.97%) was increased; ALT of 460 cases (64.07%) was increased; 5 severe cases (0.70%).

Conclusion: The study proved that adults with dengue fever suffered most from the main clinical features i.e. fever and rash and the chief injured organs were the blood system, the liver, the heart and the gastrointestine; over 40% of patients had thirst and a bitter taste in the mouth; 12 cases (1.67%) had alopecia after being discharged.





结果:患者年龄为0.75至92岁。所有患者在疾病过程中都发烧,最高达到40.5°C。519例(72.28%)有肌张力低下,413例(57.72%)有全身肌痛和骨痛。口渴356例(49.58%); 289例(40.25%)的口腔中有苦味;其中190例发生在口腔中。口渴同时有口苦167例,占23.26%;皮疹279例(38.86%); 93例(12.95%)有瘙痒;白细胞减少587例(81.75%),其中白细胞减少7例(0.97%)低于1×10 9 / L;380例(52.92%)的血小板减少,其中29例(4.03%)的血小板低于50×10 9/ L; AST 488例(67.97%)增加;ALT升高460例(64.07%);重症5例(0.70%)。

