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Text emotion mining on Twitter
IOP SciNotes Pub Date : 2020-10-22 , DOI: 10.1088/2633-1357/abc01e
Suboh M Alkhushayni 1 , Daniel C Zellmer 1, 2 , Ryan J DeBusk 2 , Du’a Alzaleq 1

Twitter has become a medium through which a substantial percentage of the global population communicates their feelings and reactions to current events. Emotion mining from text aims to capture these emotions by using a series of algorithms to evaluate the contents of each tweet. In this study, tweets that expressed at least one of seven basic emotions were collected. The resulting dataset was a corpus of 42,000 tweets with a balanced presence of each emotion. From this corpus a lexicon of roughly 40,000 words, each associated with a weighted vector corresponding to one of the emotions, was created. Next, different methods of identifying emotion in these ‘cleaned’ tweets were performed and evaluated. These methods included both lexically-based classification and supervised machine learning-based classification. Finally, an ensemble method involving several multi-class classifiers trained on unigram features of the lexicon was evaluated. This evaluation revealed that the ensemble...


