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Direct and Simultaneous Regional Head Election in Indonesia with Government Efforts to Build a Balance of Political and Managerial Approaches
East Asia Pub Date : 2020-06-20 , DOI: 10.1007/s12140-020-09341-y
Akmal Malik , Bambang Supriyono , Hermawan , Leli Indah Mindarti

This study aims to implement government efforts in direct and simultaneous regional head elections by building a balance between politics and managerial in Indonesia. The case studies in this study used direct and simultaneous elections in 2015, 2017, and 2018. Direct and simultaneous regional elections in 2015, 2017, and 2018 were the population in this study, while samples were obtained from primary data and secondary data. There were six observations which included grant funds, voter data, voter participation, SCA neutrality, security and order, and acting for regional head preparation. The policies regarding the regional government law and the election law as well as building the political and managerial balance of the government are expected to be able to anticipate and overcome problems that arise in direct and simultaneous regional head elections. Originality in this study is a new approach in building balance with a managerial approach to governance and the decentralization approach. Besides, it can provide alternative suggestions and input that encourage the development of a balance of political and managerial dimensions of government in direct and simultaneous local elections in Indonesia.


