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The Monetary Value of Having a First Division Bundesliga Team to Local Residents
Schmalenbach Business Review Pub Date : 2018-01-09 , DOI: 10.1007/s41464-017-0044-9
Bernd Frick , Pamela Wicker

This study examines the monetary value of having a first division Bundesliga team to local residents of 12 Football Bundesliga teams using the contingent valuation method. In identical online and paper-pencil questionnaires, respondents were confronted with two hypothetical scenarios: the first asked for their willingness-to-pay for a voluntary fund that would save the team from relegation due to financial problems; the second assessed their willingness-to-accept relegation in a decisive match on the last match day of the season. The results of double-hurdle models reveal that both public goods created by the team (e. g., happiness, talking about the team) and intangible benefits of the team’s first division status have a monetary value to respondents. Management and policy implications are discussed.


