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Attitudes toward EMI in East Asia and the Gulf
Language Problems and Language Planning ( IF 1.115 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-22 , DOI: 10.1075/lplp.00030.gra
Keith M. Graham 1 , Zohreh R. Eslami 2

Abstract In order to raise global profiles of universities, governments around the world have pushed universities to offer English medium instruction (EMI) courses. While research examining the attitudes toward EMI has been conducted in various countries, these studies generally look at a single university and rarely examine attitudes between countries or regions. In order to investigate attitudes from a macro perspective, this study used a systematic literature review method to synthesize findings on attitudes toward EMI in East Asia and the Gulf. The review was guided by the following research questions: (1) What are the attitudes toward EMI in countries in the Gulf and East Asia? and (2) What are the similarities/differences between countries and what factors can be attributed to these? Attitude scores were calculated for twenty studies from ten countries, and the studies were coded by common themes affecting EMI attitudes. Results show that factors affecting attitudes include language and content issues, choice of medium of instruction, instructor quality, motivation to learn English, and deficit views of the L1. As a result of the findings, it is suggested that governments and universities review their EMI policies in order to ensure education quality and maintain the status of local languages.


东亚和海湾地区对 EMI 的态度

摘要 为了提升大学的全球知名度,世界各国政府纷纷推动大学开设英语中等教育(EMI)课程。虽然在各个国家都进行了调查对 EMI 态度的研究,但这些研究通常只着眼于一所大学,很少检查国家或地区之间的态度。为了从宏观角度调查态度,本研究使用系统的文献综述方法来综合东亚和海湾地区对 EMI 态度的发现。审查以以下研究问题为指导:(1)海湾和东亚国家对EMI的态度如何?(2) 各国之间有哪些相同点/不同点?可归因于哪些因素?对来自 10 个国家的 20 项研究计算了态度分数,这些研究按影响 EMI 态度的共同主题进行编码。结果表明,影响态度的因素包括语言和内容问题、教学媒介的选择、教师素质、学习英语的动机以及对 L1 的缺陷看法。根据调查结果,建议政府和大学审查其 EMI 政策,以确保教育质量并保持当地语言的地位。结果表明,影响态度的因素包括语言和内容问题、教学媒介的选择、教师素质、学习英语的动机以及对 L1 的缺陷看法。根据调查结果,建议政府和大学审查其 EMI 政策,以确保教育质量并保持当地语言的地位。结果表明,影响态度的因素包括语言和内容问题、教学媒介的选择、教师素质、学习英语的动机以及对 L1 的缺陷看法。根据调查结果,建议政府和大学审查其 EMI 政策,以确保教育质量并保持当地语言的地位。