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Sri Lanka in 2019
Asian Survey ( IF 0.511 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1525/as.2020.60.1.207
Bart Klem

Sri Lanka was confronted with three interrelated crises in 2019: the unresolved gridlock of last year’s constitutional crisis; the Easter bombings and their turbulent aftermath; and the coming to a head of fiscal shortfalls and debt burdens. Growth is stalling, living costs are rising, deficits are widening, and the price of Sri Lanka’s debt is weighing heavily on the government budget. In the presidential elections, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, heir of the Rajapaksa dynasty, prevailed with a landslide.



斯里兰卡在 2019 年面临着三个相互关联的危机:去年宪法危机未解决的僵局;复活节爆炸事件及其动荡的后果;以及即将到来的财政短缺和债务负担。增长停滞,生活成本上升,赤字扩大,斯里兰卡的债务价格对政府预算造成沉重压力。在总统选举中,拉贾帕克萨王朝的继承人戈塔巴雅·拉贾帕克萨以压倒性优势获胜。