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Contributions of Cunha Rivara (1809–1879) to the Development of Konkani
Journal of Portuguese Linguistics Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.5334/jpl.204
Gonçalo Fernandes

Joaquim Heliodoro da Cunha Rivara (1809–1879) was a Portuguese physician, professor of philosophy, politician, librarian and secretary of the governor-general of India (1855–1870). During his job in Goa, he gave a strong impulse to the development of Konkani, a provincial language of Goa. On 28 November 1857, he was appointed by the governor-general to lead a commission established to coordinate, prepare and print Portuguese-Konkani and Konkani-Portuguese dictionaries and other “monuments” of the same language. In addition to many books with primary documentation of the history of Portuguese in India, he published a Historical Essay on Konkani Language that he wrote himself; a grammar by Thomas Stephens, S.J. (1549–1619); an anonymous grammar, possibly written in the 17th century by a Franciscan or Jesuit living in Thane, on Salsette Island; and a grammar and a dictionary written probably by the Vicar Apostolic of Verapoly from 1831 to 1844, Francesco Saverio di Sant’Anna, O.C.D. (1771–1844), which circulated as manuscripts. His intense editorial activity in the defense and the dignity of Konkani, against the “despreso da lingua materna” [the contempt of the native language] (Rivara 1857b: CXIII) by Goans, allows us to consider Cunha Rivara the pioneer of the Renaissance of Konkani studies in the 19th century. Despite the fact that he did not know Konkani, Cunha Rivara paved the way for the 20th century Konkanists scholars who were inspired by his publications, such as Gerson da Cunha (1844–1900), Sebastiao Dalgado (1855–1922), Shennoi Goembab (1877–1946), Mariano Saldanha (1878–1975) and Joaquim Antonio Fernandes (1889–1975). He also had a substantial impact on the overall development of the study of Konkani.


库尼亚·里瓦拉(Cunha Rivara)(1809–1879)对Konkani发展的贡献

Joaquim Heliodoro da Cunha Rivara(1809–1879)是葡萄牙医师,哲学教授,政治家,图书馆员,印度总督秘书(1855–1870)。在果阿工作期间,他极大地推动了果阿省语言Konkani的发展。1857年11月28日,他被总督任命来领导一个委员会,该委员会负责协调,准备和印刷葡萄牙语-康卡尼语和孔卡尼-葡萄牙语词典以及相同语言的其他“纪念碑”。除了许多有关印度葡萄牙语历史的主要文献外,他还发表了他自己写的《关于康卡尼语的历史论文》。托马斯·斯蒂芬斯,SJ(1549–1619)的语法;一种匿名语法,可能由居住在萨尔塞特岛塔那的方济各会或耶稣会士在17世纪撰写;以及1831年至1844年由Verapoly的宗座教区牧师撰写的语法和词典,Francesco Saverio di Sant'Anna,OCD(1771-1844),作为手稿发行。戈恩斯(Goans)为捍卫康卡尼(Konkani)的尊严和捍卫他的尊严而进行的激烈编辑活动,反对戈恩斯(Devanso Matlinga)(蔑视母语)(里瓦拉(Rivara)1857b:CXIII),使我们可以考虑库纳·里瓦拉(Cunha Rivara)是文艺复兴的先驱康卡尼(Konkani)在19世纪学习。尽管事实上他不知道Konkani,但Cunha Rivara为20世纪Konkanists学者铺平了道路,这些学者受到他的出版物的启发,例如Gerson da Cunha(1844–1900),Sebastiao Dalgado(1855-1922),Shennoi Goembab( 1877年至1946年),马里亚诺·萨尔达尼亚(1878年至1975年)和若阿金·安东尼奥·费尔南德斯(1889年至1975年)。