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A Library for Libraries: Is the Joint Library Facility becoming an Interlibrary Loan Hub for Libraries?
Journal of Library Resource Sharing Pub Date : 2017-03-06 , DOI: 10.1080/1072303x.2017.1397077
Wyoma van Duinkerken 1 , Eric Hartnett 2 , Emilie Algenio 2

ABSTRACT What happens when libraries begin to use ILL to request items that they already own in their home collection? The goal of this multiyear study involving 9565 ILL requests to the Joint Library Facility in Bryan, Texas, is to examine whether or not the shared storage facility was becoming an ILL hub for some libraries. This paper reports the results of the study and how individual requesting and lending interlibrary loan policies and procedures might be altered to address these developing issues.



摘要 当图书馆开始使用 ILL 来请求他们已经在其家庭馆藏中拥有的物品时会发生什么?这项涉及 9565 项 ILL 请求的多年期研究的目标是向德克萨斯州布莱恩的联合图书馆设施提出请求,目的是检查共享存储设施是否正在成为某些图书馆的 ILL 中心。本文报告了研究结果以及如何改变个人请求和借出馆际互借政策和程序以解决这些发展中的问题。