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Food Experiences at Home: The Role of Ethnic Food in Brazilian Family Relations
Latin American Business Review Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1080/10978526.2020.1812399
André de Carvalho 1 , Felipe Gerhard 2 , Ana Augusta Ferreira de Freitas 2


This study aims to advance the understanding of the ethnic food transformation and motivation to prepare ethnic food at home. By mapping the identities and roles of the family caregivers, the study also focuses on the importance of ethnic cuisine in pleasing and fulfilling family’ needs. Conducted over three years using quantitative and qualitative research techniques such as interviews, surveys, and netnography, this study explores how and in what ways everyday experiences are impacted by ethnic food. Research findings may reach beyond food choices or ethnic discussions to shed light on women’s roles in cultural encounters. It has been shown that consumers appropriate foreign cultural elements when reorganizing the intrinsic meanings of their own cultural context. In this case, research findings show that since cultural values related to ethnic cuisine are not entirely transferred to Brazilian homes, the concepts of “fusion food” and “food controversy” arise.




