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Rethinking Privacy and Freedom of Expression in the Digital Era: An Interview with Mark Andrejevic
Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture Pub Date : 2017-10-31 , DOI: 10.16997/wpcc.270
Pinelopi Troullinou

Mark Andrejevic, Professor of Media Studies at the Pomona College in Claremont, California, is a distinguished critical theorist exploring issues around surveillance from pop culture to the logic of automated, predictive surveillance practices. In an interview with WPCC issue co-editor Pinelopi Troullinou, Andrejevic responds to pressing questions emanating from the surveillant society looking to shift the conversation to concepts of data holders’ accountability. He insists on the need to retain awareness of power relations in a data driven society highlighting the emerging challenge, ‘to provide ways of understanding the long and short term consequences of data driven social sorting’. Within the context of Snowden’s revelations and policy responses worldwide he recommends a shift of focus from discourses surrounding ‘pre-emption’ to those of ‘prevention’ also questioning the notion that citizens might only need to be concerned, ‘if we are doing something “wrong”’ as this is dependent on a utopian notion of the state and commercial processes, ‘that have been purged of any forms of discrimination’. He warns of multiple concerns of misuse of data in a context where ‘a total surveillance society looks all but inevitable’. However, the academy may be in a unique position to provide ways of reframing the terms of discussions over privacy and surveillance via the analysis of ‘the long and short term consequences of data driven social sorting (and its automation)’ and in particular of algorithmic accountability.



加利福尼亚克莱蒙特市波莫纳学院媒体研究教授马克·安德列耶维奇(Mark Andrejevic)是一位杰出的批判理论家,他探索了从流行文化到自动化,预测性监视实践的逻辑相关的监视问题。在对WPCC问题共同编辑Pinelopi Troullinou的采访中,Andrejevic回应了监视社会提出的紧迫问题,希望将对话转变为数据持有者问责制的概念。他坚持认为,必须在数据驱动型社会中保持对权力关系的认识,以突出新出现的挑战,“以提供理解数据驱动型社会排序的长期和短期后果的方式”。在斯诺登的启示和全球政策回应的背景下,他建议将重点从围绕“先发制人”的论述转移到“预防”的论述,并质疑人们可能只需要关注“如果我们在做某事”这一观念错误”,因为这取决于国家和商业流程的乌托邦概念,“这些概念已清除了任何形式的歧视”。他警告说,在“整个监视社会看上去几乎不可避免”的情况下,存在滥用数据的多重担忧。但是,该学院可能处于独特的位置,可以通过分析“数据驱动的社交排序(及其自动化)的长期和短期后果”,尤其是算法,来重新定义关于隐私和监视的讨论条款。问责制。