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An empirical review of public policies on the sector of SMEs in the European Union
Management Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.2478/manment-2019-0033
Adriana Grigorescu 1 , Amalia-Elena Ion 2

Summary The paper aims to provide with a close picture of the SME public policies in one of the most prominent capitalist economies of the world, that of the European Union. In order to do this, a qualitative analysis has been undergone, on the basis of the following indicators: access to financial resources for SMEs, regulatory and legal frameworks for SMEs, and public assistance on information and knowledge about markets. Since there is no prior research on the subject, the implications of this paper have impact on the theory, practice and policy making. The results of the content analysis suggest that there is a contemporary structure to the European SBA, with a focus on a persistent business approach, based on the results of scientific research and market studies involving the problems raised by the now compact European SME industry. In the end, it must be acknowledged that the present research is only preliminary, and to better understand the mechanisms behind the European policy, further studies on the subject are necessary. Nevertheless, the paper has managed to point out that public policy in the SME industry represents one of the most important aspects of the EU-28 new economic direction.


