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Exploring human resources, marketing and promotion activities towards the sustainable tourism development in Phu Quoc islands, Vietnam
Management Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.2478/manment-2019-0035
Vu Minh Hieu 1 , Ngo Minh Vu 1 , Chijioke Nwachukwu 2

Phu Quoc island of Kien Giang Province in Vietnam is endowed with resources for tourism development. The study explored the human resources, tourism marketing and promotion efforts of businesses towards the sustainable tourism development in Phu Quoc tourism. The authors used secondary and primary data to elicit information from respondents. Secondary data was collected from Kien Giang department of tourism, Statistical departments of Kien Giang and Phu Quoc. We administered questionnaires to 230 local residents, 150 businesses, and 530 tourists. Furthermore, interviews were conducted in Phu Quoc with local residents, businesses, tourists, local authorities’ officers, and 12 experts. The results suggest that Phu Quoc tourism sector lack quality workforce and marketing and promotion initiative is not well developed. The study proposes recommendations to stakeholders of Phu Quoc tourism sectors and more of that, the limitation and further research is suggested.


