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The Uzbek-American Expedition in Bukhara. Preliminary Report on the Third Season (2017)
Iran Pub Date : 2020-06-06 , DOI: 10.1080/05786967.2020.1769495
Sören Stark 1 , Fiona J. Kidd 2 , Jamal K. Mirzaakhmedov 3 , Shujing Wang 1 , Robert N. Spengler 4 , Siroj J. Mirzaakhmedov 3 , Zachary Silvia 5 , Silvia Pozzi 6 , Husniddin Rakhmonov 3 , Megan Sligar 5 , Munira Sultanova 3


Excavations at the site of Bashtepa, at the western interface of the Bukhara oasis and the Kyzyl-kum desert, and at the kurgan sites at Kuyu-Mazar and Lyavandak on the eastern and north eastern fringes of the oasis, are detailed here, enriching our understanding of agro-pastoralism in Antiquity. At Bashtepa, results indicate a shifting site function, from a border fortress, over a phase during which a monumental though still poorly understood platform dominated the northern part of the site, to a final phase when the site evolved into a small rural settlement characterized by pit houses. Preliminary archaeo-botanical and paleo-zoological studies demonstrate an engagement with grain farming, but also with animal husbandry, as well as hunting and fishing. Ceramics indicate contacts with the surrounding oases. Excavations at the kurgan provide new data on burial architecture and funerary customs, including a collective burial with khums being used as containers for human bones. Results challenge the chronology of previously excavated comparable kurgans in the area, suggesting an earlier date. The analysis of ceramics from the kurgan burials underlines the need to rework the dating of the ceramic typology for the Bukhara oasis, especially for the period between the 3rd century BCE and the 3rd century CE.




这里详细介绍了在 Bashtepa 遗址、布哈拉绿洲和 Kyzyl-kum 沙漠的西部交界处以及绿洲东部和东北边缘的 Kuyu-Mazar 和 Lyavandak 库尔干遗址的发掘,丰富了我们的对古代农牧业的理解。在 Bashtepa,结果表明场地功能正在发生变化,从边境堡垒,在一个巨大但仍知之甚少的平台主导场地北部的阶段,到最后阶段,该场地演变成一个小型农村聚居地,其特点是坑房。初步的考古植物学和古动物学研究表明,与粮食种植、畜牧业以及狩猎和捕鱼有关。陶瓷表明与周围绿洲的接触。khums被用作人类骨骼的容器。结果挑战了该地区先前挖掘的可比库尔干人的年表,表明日期较早。对库尔干墓葬陶瓷的分析强调了重新确定布哈拉绿洲陶瓷类型学年代的必要性,特别是在公元前 3 世纪和公元 3 世纪之间的时期。
