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Family stories: sentimentality in the narrative lives of Óscar, Tania, and Valeria Martínez
Prose Studies Pub Date : 2020-05-03 , DOI: 10.1080/01440357.2020.1818169
María Carla Sánchez 1

ABSTRACT In this essay I examine the brief narrative life of Óscar Ramírez Martínez and his daughter Valeria, arguing that we understand the stories told by their surviving family and sympathetic members of the media as acts of narrative rescue: explicit attempts to speak for, validate the actions of, and elicit compassionate response on behalf of persons who can no longer act for themselves. However, such narrative rescue has its imaginative and emotional limits, and excludes Latinx who do not easily approximate its “traditional,” heteronormative parameters.


家庭故事:Óscar、Tania 和 Valeria Martínez 叙事生活中的多愁善感

摘要 在这篇文章中,我考察了奥斯卡·拉米雷斯·马丁内斯和他的女儿瓦莱里亚的简短叙事生活,认为我们将他们幸存的家人和富有同情心的媒体成员讲述的故事理解为叙事拯救的行为:明确的尝试为代表无法再为自己行事的人采取行动,并引起富有同情心的回应。然而,这种叙事救援有其想象力和情感的限制,并且排除了拉丁裔,因为他们不能轻易接近其“传统”、异性恋参数。