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A Forgotten Money Heist: The 1746 Mission of Nadir Shah’s Chief Merchant in Russia Revisited
Iran Pub Date : 2020-10-14 , DOI: 10.1080/05786967.2020.1829983
Kioumars Ghereghlou 1


This present article examines aspects of Iran’s trade and diplomatic relations with Imperial Russia during the reign of the Afsharid Nadir Shah (r. 1735–1747) focusing on a previously unpublished letter from the Zand Karim Khan (r. 1751–1779) to Empress Catherine II (r. 1762–1796). The letter sheds light on a little-known trade dispute between Iran and Imperial Russia that broke out shortly after Nadir Shah’s assassination, which took place in his native Khurasan late in the spring of 1747. First, an English translation of the letter’s full text, which is in Persian, will be provided. A review of the rivalries between Nadir Shah and Imperial Russia in the 1740s and additional contextualising comments will then follow, placing the letter in dialogue with primary sources and studies of the Russo-Iranian trade relationship during the early part of the eighteenth century.


被遗忘的金钱抢劫:纳迪尔·沙阿 (Nadir Shah) 首席商人 1746 年在俄罗斯的使命重温


本文探讨了阿夫沙里德·纳迪尔·沙阿(Afsharid Nadir Shah,1735–1747 年在位)统治期间伊朗与俄罗斯帝国的贸易和外交关系的各个方面,重点关注赞德·卡里姆汗(Zand Karim Khan,1751–1779 年在位)之前未发表的写给叶卡捷琳娜女皇的一封信II(r. 1762–1796)。这封信揭示了伊朗和俄罗斯帝国之间鲜为人知的贸易争端,这场争端是在纳迪尔·沙阿于 1747 年春末在他的祖国呼罗珊遇刺后不久爆发的。首先,这是这封信全文的英文翻译,将提供波斯语版本。随后将回顾 1740 年代纳迪尔沙阿和俄罗斯帝国之间的竞争,并随后进行其他背景评论,
