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“And I’ll Only be Killed by a Peer”
Russian Studies in Literature Pub Date : 2017-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/10611975.2017.1350062
Irina Surat

In a less formal article, Irina Surat parses the words and history of Osip Mandelstam’s poem “The Wolf,” mostly written in 1930, to identify the significance of its final line, which the poet settled on only in 1935. The discussion ends by citing a stanza from “Facing Nature,” a 1975 poem by Aleksandr Eremenko, which builds on Mandelstam’s poem in much the same way as Mandelstam’s builds on writings by Nikolai Gumilev and Aleksandr Pushkin.



在不太正式的文章中,伊琳娜·苏拉特(Irina Surat)解析了奥西普·曼德尔斯坦(Osip Mandelstam)的诗《狼》(主要是1930年写的)的文字和历史,以确认诗人仅在1935年就定下了诗句的意义。讨论以引文结尾亚历山大·埃雷缅科(Aleksandr Eremenko)1975年的一首诗《面对自然》中的节,它以曼德尔斯坦的诗为基础,与曼德拉斯坦基于尼古拉·古米列夫(Nikolai Gumilev)和亚历山大·普希金(Aleksandr Pushkin)的作品为基础。