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The identification of multi-hazard situations in elementary school
Improving Schools Pub Date : 2021-03-02 , DOI: 10.1177/1365480221996695
Evi Widowati 1, 2 , Wahyudi Istiono , Adi Heru Sutomo 2

This study aimed to identify various hazard risks which are related to children in schools. This study used a quantitative descriptive design. The sampling technique used was four stage stratified random sampling, with 329 elementary schools as the sample. The results identified various dangerous situations which are related to children and schools ranging from infectious diseases, natural disasters, violence against children and the dangers due to the absence of adequate safety at school. Dangers from natural disasters which could be identified were earthquake, volcano, flood, hurricane landslide, and drought as well as potential biological hazards such as contagion and caterpillar outbreak. Additionally, the dangers related to violence against children were fighting, extortion, physical violence, psychological violence, sexual violence, bullying, and stealing. Related to safety aspects at schools, there were dangerous situations caused by the activities of the children themselves which caused injuries, or other technical causes, such as fire, falling buildings/falling trees, food poisoning, and infectious diseases.



