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Mechanisms and Consequences of Anthropomorphizing Autonomous Products
Schmalenbach Business Review Pub Date : 2020-09-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s41464-020-00100-3
Moritz Jörling , Robert Böhm , Stefanie Paluch

In the present research, we test the mechanisms (Studies 1a and 1b, conducted online), consequences, and limitations (Study 2, conducted in the lab) of anthropomorphizing autonomous (vs. manual) products. Building on previous theoretical and empirical research on product anthropomorphism, we argue and find that anthropomorphism is perceived to be more congruent with autonomous products than with manual products. Furthermore, we show that anthropomorphism increases the liking of autonomous products, given that consumers have no prior experience with autonomous products. Increased liking of autonomous products due to anthropomorphism, in turn, increases purchase intentions and positive evaluations of outcomes obtained by the autonomous product. The findings are discussed with regard to optimal marketing and design of autonomous products.



