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“Where is Our Space Within this Ivory Tower?” The Teaching Experiences of Black Women Faculty in Education Programs
Journal of Research on Leadership Education Pub Date : 2021-03-20 , DOI: 10.1177/19427751211002229
Tomika L. Ferguson 1 , Risha R. Berry 2 , Jasmine D. Collins 2

Black women faculty represent a small percentage of full-time faculty in higher education and are often invisible, marginalized, and expected to perform duties beyond teaching, research, and service. Yet, their success in higher education positions them as possibility models for change on their campuses. The purpose of this study is to investigate the experiences of three Black women faculty who teach in graduate education programs. Specifically, we examined how teaching using culturally relevant practices may cause Black women faculty to negotiate their identity within higher education organizational structures. Using a theoretical framework informed by Black feminism and the Culturally Relevant Leadership Learning Model, three salient themes were identified: roles and responsibilities, resistance, and limitations within the academy. Implications for practice include the creation of identity specific support for Black women faculty and attention be given to faculty and student readiness prior to engaging in culturally relevant practices beyond critical self-reflection.


“我们在这座象牙塔内的空间在哪里?” 黑人女教师在教育计划中的教学经验

