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A Social Ecological Framework: Counselors' Role in Improving Student Athletes' Help‐Seeking Behaviors
Journal of College Counseling Pub Date : 2021-04-06 , DOI: 10.1002/jocc.12178
Aviry L. Reich 1, 2 , Jeffrey J. Milroy 3 , David L. Wyrick 3 , Stephen P. Hebard 4

Student athletes' demands increase their risk for experiencing mental health concerns (Ryan et al., 2018). Risk factors for student athletes include coping with athletic success and failure; balancing dual roles; dealing with identity confusion; and experiencing isolation, injury, career termination, and burnout (Beauchemin, 2012; G. T. Brown, 2014). Using the social ecological model, we review factors that interfere with student athletes' help‐seeking behaviors and propose recommendations for the ways counselors can address these barriers in the roles of educator, advocate, and therapist.



学生运动员的需求增加了他们遭受心理健康问题的风险(Ryan等人,2018)。学生运动员的风险因素包括应对运动的成败。平衡双重角色;处理身份混乱;并遭受孤立,伤害,职业终止和倦怠(Beauchemin,2012; GT Brown,2014)。使用社会生态模型,我们审查了干扰学生运动员寻求帮助行为的因素,并提出了建议,建议辅导员如何在教育者,倡导者和治疗师的角色中解决这些障碍。