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Associations Among HIV Risk Perception, Sexual Health Efficacy, and Intent to Use PrEP Among Women: An Application of the Risk Perception Attitude Framework.
AIDS Education and Prevention ( IF 1.920 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1521/aeap.2020.32.5.392
Whitney C Sewell 1 , Rupa R Patel 2 , Stephanie Blankenship 2 , Julia L Marcus 1, 3 , Douglas S Krakower 1, 3, 4 , Phillip A Chan 5 , Kimberly Parker 6

HIV risk perception is a known determinant of HIV prevention behaviors among vulnerable populations. Lesser known is the combined influence of risk perception and efficacy beliefs on PrEP use. We examined the associations between levels of risk perception and strength of efficacy beliefs on intent to use PrEP in a sample of adult Black and Latina women. Guided by the risk perception attitudes (RPA) framework, we used cluster analysis to identify four interpretable groups. We ran analysis of covariance models to determine the relationship between membership in the RPA framework groups and intention to use PrEP. Among the 908 women, the mean age was 29.9 years and participants were Latina (69.4%) and Black (25.6%). Results of the analysis show that women with low perception of HIV risk and strong efficacy beliefs had significantly less intent to use PrEP than women with high risk perception and weak efficacy beliefs.


