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A Brief Retrospective of Roy Halling’s Contributions to Basidiomycete Systematics and Biogeography
The Botanical Review ( IF 4 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-28 , DOI: 10.1007/s12229-021-09260-4
Todd W. Osmundson

Dr. Roy Halling retired in December, 2018 after 34 years as Curator of Fungi at the New York Botanical Garden. This brief retrospective recognizes Dr. Halling’s many contributions to the fields of basidiomycete systematics and biogeography through his scientific publications and field guides, field expeditions on five continents, international network of collaborators, training of students and parataxonomists, and contributions to infrastructure for field and collections-based research.


Roy Halling 对担子菌系统学和生物地理学贡献的简要回顾

在担任纽约植物园真菌馆长 34 年后,Roy Halling 博士于 2018 年 12 月退休。这个简短的回顾展表彰了 Halling 博士通过他的科学出版物和实地指南、五大洲实地考察、国际合作者网络、学生和副分类学家培训以及对实地和收藏基础设施的贡献,对担子菌系统学和生物地理学领域的许多贡献- 基于研究。
