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Disrupted social integration: A case study of Shanghai’s point-seeking group
Asian and Pacific Migration Journal ( IF 0.659 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-03 , DOI: 10.1177/01171968211018517
Yixiong Huang 1 , Shufei Yang 1 , Kuiming Wang 1

The development and expansion of Shanghai have attracted many labor migrants. Because the migrants hold a non-local hukou (household registration), they can only access minimal social services in urban areas. One of the reforms introduced by the local government of Shanghai is the Residential Points System (RPS), which would allow qualified migrants to access more social services. The policy has created a new social class: the “point-seeking group” (PSG), which refers to migrants who try to obtain urban social benefits through the points-earning clauses of the RPS. This study examines the integration experiences of the PSG in Shanghai. Findings from the study suggest that the PSG has encountered “disrupted social integration” in which institutional constraints pose a major barrier to the economic and social integration of first- and second-generation migrants.



上海的发展壮大,吸引了大量的外来务工人员。因为移民持有非本地户口(户籍),他们只能在城市地区获得最低限度的社会服务。上海地方政府推出的一项改革是居住积分制度(RPS),这将使符合条件的流动人口获得更多社会服务。该政策创造了一个新的社会阶层:“寻求积分群体”(PSG),它是指试图通过 RPS 的积分赚取条款获得城市社会福利的流动人口。本研究考察了上海 PSG 的整合经验。研究结果表明,PSG 遇到了“社会融合中断”,其中制度限制对第一代和第二代移民的经济和社会融合构成了主要障碍。
