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Ten years of biomedical research in West Africa (2005–14): A study of the ten most productive countries
Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science ( IF 1.475 ) Pub Date : 2016-10-01 , DOI: 10.22452/mjlis.vol21no2.4
Williams E. Nwagwu

The objective of this research is to determine (i) the quantity and quality of publications in biomedical research in top-producing countries in West Africa during 2005–2014, as well as (ii) the characteristics of the journals used by the researchers and collaborative evidence in the area. Data was drawn from MEDLINE/PubMed and Google Scholar, while the impact factors of the journals were retrieved from the SCImago Journal and Country Rank portal. Quantity of publications was measured by counting the number of publications attributable to a country while h-index was extracted to measure quality. Productivity was analysed by sorting the data according to their first named authors, journals and publication dates, and analysed using MS Excel and LOTKA®. Nigeria, Ghana, Senegal, Burkina Faso and Mali had the highest number of publications. In respect to productivity, apart from Cote d’Ivoire that had an α value of less than 2, indicating a higher level of productivity, all other countries had an α value greater than 2. West African Journal of Medicine is the only journal of West African origin in the list of top ten journals where the authors from the subregion published their papers, and it ranked tenth in the top twenty journals used. Nigeria and Ghana published more research in local journals in comparison with other countries, but these journals have very low mean impact factors. This study reinforces the need for improved research production and collaboration between the big and small countries.



本研究的目的是确定 (i) 2005-2014 年西非顶级生产国生物医学研究出版物的数量和质量,以及 (ii) 研究人员使用的期刊和合作期刊的特征。该地区的证据。数据来自 MEDLINE/PubMed 和 Google Scholar,而期刊的影响因子来自 SCImago Journal 和 Country Rank 门户网站。出版物数量是通过统计一个国家的出版物数量来衡量的,同时提取 h 指数来衡量质量。通过根据第一作者、期刊和出版日期对数据进行排序来分析生产力,并使用 MS Excel 和 LOTKA® 进行分析。尼日利亚、加纳、塞内加尔、布基纳法索和马里的出版物数量最多。在生产力方面,除了科特迪瓦的α值小于2,表明生产力水平较高外,其他所有国家的α值都大于2。 West Africa Journal of Medicine是West的唯一期刊非洲裔在该次区域作者发表论文的前十名期刊名单中,在使用的前二十名期刊中排名第十。与其他国家相比,尼日利亚和加纳在当地期刊上发表的研究更多,但这些期刊的平均影响因子非常低。这项研究强调了改善大小国家之间的研究成果和合作的必要性。《西非医学杂志》是该次区域作者发表论文的前十名期刊中唯一来自西非的期刊,在使用的前二十名期刊中排名第十。与其他国家相比,尼日利亚和加纳在当地期刊上发表的研究更多,但这些期刊的平均影响因子非常低。这项研究强调了改善大小国家之间的研究成果和合作的必要性。《西非医学杂志》是该次区域作者发表论文的前十名期刊中唯一来自西非的期刊,在使用的前二十名期刊中排名第十。与其他国家相比,尼日利亚和加纳在当地期刊上发表的研究更多,但这些期刊的平均影响因子非常低。这项研究强调了改善大小国家之间的研究成果和合作的必要性。