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Special Issue Call for Papers
Transportation Journal ( IF 1.241 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.5325/transportationj.57.2.iv
John E. Bell 1 , Stanley E. Griffis 2

Architecture’s difference, its separateness from other design disciplines, is assumed to be obvious. Matters of scale, complexity and dependency set architecture apart from other design disciplines. This apparent difference is reflected in various disciplinary and professional manifestations, not least the relationship between architectural history and design history. The study of architecture – defined as buildings, architects and the built environment – has been set apart from the study of other forms of design practice or designed objects. While focusing on difference can be a constructive for delineating disciplinary and professional autonomy, what if we look instead at commonality? What if rather than seeking to reinforce the differences between disciplines, we focus instead on the nature of these disciplinary boundaries and look for the places where overlaps, integrations and collaborations occur?


