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Zamucoan Person Marking as a Perturbed System*
Studia Linguistica Pub Date : 2021-06-28 , DOI: 10.1111/stul.12163
Pier Marco Bertinetto 1

This paper analyzes the Zamucoan system of Person markers: personal pronouns, verbal and possessive inflection. Comparing the three documented languages (Ayoreo and Chamacoco, currently spoken, and extinct Old Zamuco), one can reconstruct for a very ancient stage of this language family an agglutinating structure for both personal pronouns and verbal inflection, with Person and Number dealt with by, respectively, prefixes and suffixes. However, possessive inflection could not be accommodated within this system, since the noun suffix can only express possessum Number, while possessor Number has to be expressed by a dedicated prefix. This structural conflict forced the Zamucoan languages to attempt various solutions, departing from the original agglutinating logic.


Zamucoan 人标记为受扰系统*

本文分析了 Zamucoan 人称标记系统:人称代词、动词和所有格屈折变化。比较三种记录在案的语言(Ayoreo 和 Chamacoco,目前使用,以及已灭绝的 Old Zamuco),我们可以为这个语言家族的一个非常古老的阶段重建一个人称代词和动词变形的粘合结构,人称和数字由处理,分别是前缀和后缀。但是,该系统无法容纳所有格屈折变化,因为名词后缀只能表示拥有数,而拥有者数则必须由专用前缀表示。这种结构性冲突迫使扎木科语脱离了原始的凝集逻辑,尝试了各种解决方案。