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Smart fertilizers: What should we mean and where should we go?
Italian Journal of Agronomy ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-22 , DOI: 10.4081/ija.2021.1794
Giorgia Raimondi , Carmelo Maucieri , Arianna Toffanin , Giancarlo Renella , Maurizio Borin

The current agricultural system faces several challenges, the most important being the ability to feed the increasing world population and mitigate climate change. In this context, the improvement of fertilizers’ agronomic efficiency while reducing their cost and environmental impact is one of the biggest tasks. Available literature shows that many efforts have been made to develop innovative fertilizers defined as ‘smart fertilizers’, for which, different interpretations and definitions have been used. This paper aims to define, classify, and describe the new frontier of the so-called smart fertilizers with a particular focus on field-scale studies on herbaceous species. Most of the analysed papers associate the ‘smart’ concept to the controlled and/or slow release of nutrients, using both terms as synonymous. Some others broadened the concept, including the controlled release of nutrients to reduce the environmental impact. Based on our critical analysis of the available literature, we conclude that a fertilizer can be considered ‘smart’ when applied to the soil, it allows control over the rate, timing, and duration of nutrients release. Our new definition is: ‘Smart fertilizer is any single or composed (sub)nanomaterial, multi-component, and/or bioformulation containing one or more nutrients that, through physical, chemical, and/or biological processes, can adapt the timing of nutrient release to the plant nutrient demand, enhancing the agronomic yields and reducing the environmental impact at sustainable costs when compared to conventional fertilizers’.


- A smart fertilizer allows to control the rate, timing and duration of nutrients release.
- Nanofertilizers are powder or liquid formulations which involve the synthesis, design and use of materials at the nanoscale level.
- Composite fertilizers are formulations containing nutrients mixed or coated with one or more materials that exploit synergy among materials.
- Bioformulations are fertilizers containing active or dormant microorganisms capable to trigger physiological growth responses in plants.
- Limited information is available for smart fertilizers on herbaceous crops in open field conditions.





- 智能肥料可以控制养分释放的速度、时间和持续时间。
- 纳米肥料是粉末或液体配方,涉及纳米级材料的合成、设计和使用。
- 复合肥料是含有混合或涂有一种或多种材料的营养成分的配方,这些材料利用材料之间的协同作用。
- 生物制剂是含有能够触发植物生理生长反应的活性或休眠微生物的肥料。
- 可用于露天条件下草本作物智能肥料的信息有限。
