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The energy security and insecurity of Bangladesh: a critical analysis
The Journal of World Energy Law & Business ( IF 0.403 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-22 , DOI: 10.1093/jwelb/jwab020
Chowdhury Ishrak Ahmed Siddiky

The last five years have seen Bangladesh making good progress in adding various energy mixes to its supply of energy for domestic consumption. The GDP of the country grew at 8 per cent in the year before the pandemic. This was possible due to certain policy-level decisions by the government to increase the production of energy, implementing short-term projects for electricity generation and the flexibility of the industrial sector. The country now has a plan to increase its energy security and lower its reliability on imported energy. The purpose of this article is to discuss and analyse the various policies and the challenges that the government faces in order to ensure the country’s energy security.



过去五年,孟加拉国在为国内消费增加各种能源组合方面取得了良好进展。该国的国内生产总值在大流行前一年增长了 8%。由于政府在增加能源生产、实施短期发电项目以及工业部门的灵活性方面做出了某些政策层面的决定,这才有可能。该国现在计划提高能源安全并降低进口能源的可靠性。本文的目的是讨论和分析政府为确保国家能源安全而面临的各种政策和挑战。