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More Trust in Fewer Followers: Diverging Effects of Popularity Metrics and Green Orientation Social Media Influencers
Journal of Interactive Marketing ( IF 11.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.intmar.2021.05.002
Matthew Pittman 1 , Annika Abell 2

Digital marketing campaigns increasingly utilize social media influencers. Research in influencer marketing has investigated popularity metrics but found conflicting results on how the number of followers and likes on posts might influence consumers' behaviors. The present research investigates green living orientation of influencers as a moderating characteristic that leads to differential interpretation of popularity metrics in the context of green advertising messages. Specifically, lower popularity metrics seem to benefit green influencers or “greenfluencers.” An increased perception of trust in greenfluencers with lower popularity results in enhanced attitudes toward a sponsored product and increased purchase intentions. Additionally, consumers are willing to donate higher amounts to a related charity after exposure to a promotional post by a green influencer with low following. We present the results of three lab studies and discuss theoretical and practical implications.



