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What is Amateur Film?
Critical Quarterly Pub Date : 2021-07-27 , DOI: 10.1111/criq.12618
Francis Gooding

This essay is in two parts. The first part is specifically about colonial era amateur film, a large amount of which I had worked on as part of my research for the Colonial Film: Moving Images of The British Empire project.11 www.colonialfilm.org.uk
The second part attempts to think about some fundamental properties of the amateur film as such, and indicate some of the problems that arise from a consideration of amateur or private film material.

During my research on the Colonial Film project, I came to be sure that much of what seemed true regarding colonial amateur film was likely true of amateur film more generally, and so it was potentially a good place from which to start thinking about wider problems. It also seemed to me that the problems posed by the analysis of historical amateur film are crucial in understanding the privately made films that are so ubiquitous in the era of social media. Amateur film is absolutely central to the ways that contemporary media forms, both social and otherwise, are now employed by major corporations, individuals, and groups; amateur films are therefore central to all aspects of contemporary social and personal life, from geopolitics to the minutiae of personal relationships. And given how important this kind of film-making plainly is, it seemed to me extraordinary that there was so little scholarship which tried to parse out exactly how amateur film worked and works.

For instance, we know how things like editing, camera angles, and types of shot function in professionally made film, how various film-making techniques were developed, and so on; and the wider meaning of the images on the screen is always being negotiated in more or less detail. But neither the process of historical comprehension, nor the development of a formal analysis, has really occurred for the kinds of films made by individuals for their own use, and which we call, in the broadest sense, amateur films. (This is roughly how the term will be used in this essay, though this is just a loose definition that indicates a starting point for identifying a highly disparate set of practices. I use it interchangeably here with ‘private films’, ‘home movies’, etc.; I do not pretend that these ideas are very precisely defined.)

What, for instance, is the meaning of the edit in an amateur film? What even is an ‘edit’ in a home movie? What is a cut? What is the meaning of this kind of shot, or that kind? How are we to understand the field of vision and the identity of the film-maker with regard to the action? Are these even coherent questions, when we speak about a 5 second video made on a phone, or an 8mm reel of a child’s birthday party? None of this has had anything like the attention it very evidently requires. It is not clear what exactly an ‘amateur film’ even is.

It is as though the meaning of amateur film has always been thought to be somehow self-evident – as though it always declares itself openly and gives its whole self over without any need for further explanation. This is not so. I think that the problems attending the analysis of amateur film are more pressing, more difficult, and complex – and at this point probably much more significant – than those attending professionally made cinema film. This is because amateur film-making, in the widest sense, is no longer merely a pastime: it is a complex everyday extension of self, an essential tool of personal becoming, a crucial mode of political engagement, a sophisticated popular art, a mode of interpersonal communication, a facet of journalism, a legal tool, a weapon of wars both informational and kinetic, and more besides. (In truth it always was those things, but some of them only in embryonic or larval forms.)

The codes and history of amateur film only overlap obscurely and divergently with the conventional history of cinema and television. But we ignore them at our peril, because after nearly a hundred years of almost total invisibility, the last two decades have seen amateur film suddenly become a decisively powerful element within the total field of social, political, and personal action. Given this latter fact, it is certainly possible the amateur film of Empire is an especially important source because, in being already tangled with psychological and geographical displacement, political power, and violence, it already encodes much of what makes amateur film as such crucial for understanding our present media predicaments.



本文分为两部分。第一部分特别是关于殖民时代的业余电影,其中的大部分内容是我为“殖民电影:大英帝国的移动影像”项目研究的一部分11 www.colonialfilm.org.uk



例如,在业余电影中剪辑的意义是什么?家庭电影中的“编辑”甚至是什么?什么是切口?这种镜头,或者那种镜头是什么意思?我们如何理解电影人对动作的视野和身份?当我们谈论在手机上制作的 5 秒视频或儿童生日聚会的 8 毫米卷轴时,这些问题是否连贯?这些都没有像它显然需要的那样引起注意。目前还不清楚究竟什么是“业余电影”。


