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‘Abbas Mirza, A Counternarrative
Iran Pub Date : 2021-07-30 , DOI: 10.1080/05786967.2021.1960884
Mehdi Mousavi 1


For two centuries, the image of the Crown Prince ʽAbbas Mirza (1789–1833) has remained unblemished in Iranian history. He has been portrayed as perfect in character, progressive in advancing the cause of reform in Iran and bold in fighting the superpower of Russia. This paper offers a revisionist account by questioning this image and aims to portray ʽAbbas Mirza as someone who, operating during one of the most critical periods in Iranian history, was burdened by a long war, internal rivalries and the competition of foreign powers. The account written by a long-serving French officer, Louis Gaspard Barrachin, at the court of ʽAbbas Mirza during the interim years between the two wars with Russia, rejects the simplistic conventional narrative and presents a lonely figure with weaknesses and a complex real character. The paper also reveals the French officer’s main objective of attempting to find a firm foothold in Iran for France so as to advance French interests in the Middle East.




两个世纪以来,王储阿巴斯·米尔扎 (1789–1833) 的形象在伊朗历史上一直完好无损。他被描绘成性格完美、在推进伊朗改革事业方面进步、在与俄罗斯超级大国作战时勇敢无畏的人物。本文通过质疑这一形象提供了一个修正主义的描述,旨在将阿巴斯·米尔扎描绘成一个在伊朗历史上最关键的时期工作的人,他背负着长期战争、内部对抗和外国势力的竞争。长期服役的法国军官路易斯·加斯帕德·巴拉钦 (Louis Gaspard Barrachin) 在与俄罗斯两次战争之间的过渡时期在阿巴斯·米尔扎 (ʽAbbas Mirza) 的宫廷中撰写的叙述拒绝了简单的传统叙事,并呈现了一个有弱点和复杂真实性格的孤独人物。
