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Horrors of the Great Banal
Policy Futures in Education Pub Date : 2021-07-30 , DOI: 10.1177/14782103211031422
Emma Minke McMain 1, 1 , Brandon Edwards-Schuth 1

The iPhone 62 has just been released. Political gridlock and the governmentally approved process of locking immigrant children in cages continue ad infinitum. Public schools resort to primarily remote learning as pandemic viruses ebb and flow. University students study post-postmodernism on campuses that remain on stolen Indigenous land. In this year of 2071, where humans remain desperately attached to “normalcy,” suffering continues beneath the fear that transformation would surely be devastating. Unknowns horrify privileged communities, eased only by the comfortability of a level of “bad” with which they are at least familiar. The world has settled into the Great Banal, an age of blind faith that tomorrow’s problems can be answered with solutions of yester-today.

Written as an “e-seance” Zoom conversation among “ghost-scholars of the future,” we explore the horrors of a future in which the “normalities” of 2021 all persist. This is not a dystopian nightmare in which climate disasters wreak unparalleled havoc on vulnerable communities and new fascist regimes sink their claws into education, nor is it a utopic imagining of a society that has made great bounds toward social-ecological justice. In this seemingly absurd imaginary of no substantial change at all, we draw from (eco)critical, Indigenous, and feminist frameworks to ask: What might education look like in a world that has adamantly resisted radical transformation for fear of the worst, in exchange for all hopes of the best?



iPhone 62 刚刚发布。政治僵局和政府批准的将移民儿童关在笼子里的程序无限期地继续下去。随着流行病病毒的潮起潮落,公立学校主要采用远程学习。大学生在仍留在被盗土著土地上的校园里学习后后现代主义。在 2071 年的这一年,人类仍然极度依附于“常态”,在转变肯定会是毁灭性的恐惧之下,痛苦仍在继续。未知使特权社区感到恐惧,只有通过他们至少熟悉的“坏”级别的舒适度才能缓解。世界已经进入了大平庸时代,这是一个盲目相信明天的问题可以用昨天的解决方案来解决的时代。

作为“未来的幽灵学者”之间的“电子降神会”Zoom 对话,我们探索了 2021 年的“常态”仍然存在的未来的恐怖。这不是一场反乌托邦的噩梦,其中气候灾难对脆弱社区造成无与伦比的破坏,新法西斯政权将爪子伸向教育,也不是对社会生态正义取得巨大突破的社会的乌托邦想象。在这个根本没有实质性变化的看似荒谬的想象中,我们从(生态)批判的、土著的和女权主义的框架中提出问题:在一个因害怕最坏的情况而坚决抵制激进变革的世界中,教育会是什么样子,作为交换为了所有最好的希望?
