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A Brontë Reading List: Part 13
Brontë Studies Pub Date : 2021-07-30 , DOI: 10.1080/14748932.2021.1943217
James Ogden , Peter Cook , Sara L. Pearson

This list is part of an annotated bibliography of scholarly and critical work. The earlier parts were published in Brontë Studies, 32.2 (July 2007), 33.3 (November 2008), 34.3 (November 2009), 36.4 (November 2011), 37.3 (September 2012), 39.1 (January 2014), 41.3 (September 2016), 42.4 (November 2017), 43.4 (October 2018), 44.3 (July 2019), 44.4 (October 2019), and 45.4 (October 2020). The present part covers work published in 2018.

Bibliographical details are followed where possible by summaries and assessments. Essays published in Brontë Studies are as a rule excluded, as are books reviewed in Brontë Studies; readers are directed to the publisher’s website, www.tandfonline.com, for online access. The author of each entry is indicated by the author’s initials in brackets following the entry.


勃朗特阅读清单:第 13 部分

此列表是带注释的学术和批判性工作参考书目的一部分。较早的部分发表在Brontë Studies , 32.2 (July 2007), 33.3 (November 2008), 34.3 (November 2009), 36.4 (November 2011), 37.3 (September 2007), 34.3 (November. 、42.4(2017 年 11 月)、43.4(2018 年 10 月)、44.3(2019 年 7 月)、44.4(2019 年 10 月)和 45.4(2020 年 10 月)。本部分涵盖了 2018 年发表的作品。

在可能的情况下,参考书目细节之后是摘要和评估。在勃朗特研究中发表的论文通常被排除在外,在勃朗特研究中评论的书籍也被排除在外;读者可以访问出版商的网站 www.tandfonline.com 进行在线访问。每个条目的作者都由条目后面括号中的作者姓名首字母表示。
