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Climate panel confronts implausibly hot models
Science ( IF 56.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-30 , DOI: 10.1126/science.373.6554.474
Paul Voosen

Next month the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change will begin to release its first major assessment of human-caused global warming since 2013. The report will drop on a world that has starkly changed in 8 years, warming by more than 0.3°C to nearly 1.3°C above preindustrial levels. Weather has grown more severe, seas are measurably higher, and mountain glaciers and polar ice have shrunk sharply. But the report's authors face a challenge that many of the world's leading climate models, used for the report's projections, are now showing warming rates that most scientists believe are implausibly fast because of errors in rendering clouds. Scientists have scrambled to adapt to this new reality, constraining model projections with recent warming and adopting new techniques to convey the impacts of climate change.



下个月,联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会将开始发布自 2013 年以来对人为全球变暖的首次重大评估。该报告将提及一个在 8 年内发生巨大变化的世界,升温超过 0.3°C 至近乎比工业化前水平高 1.3°C。天气变得更加恶劣,海平面明显升高,山地冰川和极地冰层急剧缩小。但是该报告的作者面临着一个挑战,即报告预测所使用的许多世界领先的气候模型现在都显示出大多数科学家认为由于渲染云的错误而快得难以置信的变暖速度。科学家们争先恐后地适应这一新现实,用最近的变暖来限制模型预测,并采用新技术来传达气候变化的影响。
