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OCD in the time of COVID-19: A global pandemic's impact on mental health patients and their treatment providers.
Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic ( IF 1.476 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-04 , DOI: 10.1521/bumc_2021_85_04
Caitlin M Pinciotti 1 , Kelly Piacsek 2 , Brian Kay 3 , Brenda Bailey 4 , Bradley C Riemann 5

Individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) have evidenced resilience against large-scale crises, although emerging research on the impact of COVID-19 is mixed. Little is known about the impact of COVID-19 on mental health providers. Items from an instrument evaluating the impact of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack were adapted to measure the impact of COVID-19 on emotions, cognitions, and behaviors. Using a sample of 65 patients with primary OCD diagnoses and OCD treatment providers in intensive programs for OCD and anxiety, the authors found that COVID-19 evidenced a less significant overall impact on patients than providers. Specifically, providers reported more significant impact on the amount of time spent worrying about COVID-19, taking additional cleaning and sanitization precautions, and time spent socializing with loved ones. Findings support previous literature indicating that individuals with OCD demonstrate resilience to large-scale crises, and offer insights into the specific struggles of providers who treat OCD.


COVID-19 时代的强迫症:全球大流行对心理健康患者及其治疗提供者的影响。

尽管关于 COVID-19 影响的新兴研究喜忧参半,但患有强迫症 (OCD) 的人已经证明了对大规模危机的复原力。关于 COVID-19 对心理健康提供者的影响知之甚少。评估 2001 年 9 月 11 日恐怖袭击影响的工具中的项目被改编为衡量 COVID-19 对情绪、认知和行为的影响。作者使用 65 名原发性强迫症诊断患者和强迫症治疗提供者在强迫症和焦虑症强化计划中的样本,发现 COVID-19 对患者的总体影响不如提供者显着。具体来说,提供者报告说,对花在担心 COVID-19 的时间、采取额外的清洁和消毒预防措施、以及与亲人交往的时间。研究结果支持以前的文献表明强迫症患者表现出对大规模危机的复原力,并提供了对治疗强迫症的提供者的具体斗争的见解。