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Surviving the Anthropocene: How evaluation can contribute to knowledge and better policymaking
Evaluation ( IF 2.763 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-23 , DOI: 10.1177/13563890211034539
Juha I. Uitto 1

We live in the Anthropocene in which human impact on Earth is the dominant force. At the same time, humans are very much part of the ecosystem. This close interdependency is brought home by the COVID-19 pandemic as well as by anthropogenic climate change. Ecosystem health and human health are closely interlinked. Transformational change is required to avoid further catastrophes caused by the three environmental crises that human actions have caused: climate crisis; nature crisis; and pollution and waste crisis. Evaluation can contribute to finding durable solutions based on sound science and experiences from the field, but to do so evaluation must broaden its vision. Theory-based approaches will remain central, but they must be open to the full human and natural systems in which the intervention that is the evaluand operates. Evaluations must also pay attention to unintended consequences of all interventions to the environment, to social and power relations, to women, indigenous peoples and vulnerable groups. I identify three principles for evaluation in the Anthropocene, at the nexus of human and natural systems, and illustrate them using examples from evaluations from the Global Environment Facility: (a) integrating human and natural systems; (b) geographical approaches; and (c) addressing the drivers.



我们生活在人类世中,人类对地球的影响是主导力量。与此同时,人类是生态系统的重要组成部分。这种密切的相互依赖是由 COVID-19 大流行以及人为气候变化带来的。生态系统健康与人类健康密切相关。需要转型变革以避免人类行为造成的三种环境危机造成的进一步灾难:气候危机;自然危机;以及污染和废物危机。评估有助于根据可靠的科学和实地经验找到持久的解决方案,但要做到这一点,评估必须拓宽视野。基于理论的方法将仍然是核心,但它们必须对作为评估和干预的整个人类和自然系统开放。评估还必须注意所有干预措施对环境、社会和权力关系、妇女、土著人民和弱势群体的意外后果。我在人类世和自然系统的关系中确定了三个评估原则,并使用全球环境基金评估中的例子来说明它们:(a) 整合人类和自然系统;(b) 地理方法;(c) 解决驱动程序问题。(a) 整合人类和自然系统;(b) 地理方法;(c) 解决驱动程序问题。(a) 整合人类和自然系统;(b) 地理方法;(c) 解决驱动程序问题。
