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Technology facilitated re-victimization: How video evidence of sexual violence contributes to mediated cycles of abuse
Crime, Media, Culture: An International Journal ( IF 1.868 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-11 , DOI: 10.1177/17416590211050333
Kaitlyn Regehr 1 , Arija Birze , Cheryl Regehr 2

With the ubiquity of technological devices producing video and audio recordings, violent crimes are increasingly captured digitally and used as evidence in the criminal justice process. This paper presents the results of a qualitative study involving Canadian criminal justice professionals, and asks questions surrounding the treatment of video evidence and the rights of victims captured within such images. We argue that loss of control over personal images and narratives can re-traumatize survivors of sexual violence, creating technologically-facilitated cycles of abuse that are perpetuated each time images are viewed. We find that the justice system has little to no consistent policy or procedure for handling video evidence, or for ameliorating the impact of these digital records on survivors. Subsequently, we assert that the need for a victim-centred evidence-based understanding of mediated evidence has never been greater.



