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Exploring Gender Roles in Highly Religious Families
Review of Religious Research ( IF 1.119 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s13644-021-00476-9
Chelom E. Leavitt 1 , David B. Allsop 1 , Amber A. Price 1 , Loren D. Marks 1 , David C. Dollahite 1


Many world religions explicitly and/or implicitly promote gender hierarchy and the patriarchal nature of gender roles is a nearly universal theme within these traditions. Notwithstanding the hierarchical patterns often apparent in religiously defined gender roles, complementarity in gender roles is also an essential characteristic of many religions.


Religious teachings regarding gender roles may dualistically foster relational health or cause relational harm—depending on the particular teachings and, perhaps most saliently, depending on how religious teachings are applied and lived out within marriages and families. We aim to explore, through interviews with highly religious wives and husbands, the influences and meanings that wives' and husbands' religious beliefs and practices have in connection with their perspectives and lived experience of gender roles in the context of marriage and family life.


We conducted in-depth, qualitative interviews with 198 individuals using a racially and ethnically diverse sample consisting of Muslim, Christian, and Jewish families (N = 476 individuals). Questions regarding gender within relationships were not included on the interview questionnaire but gender-related issues spontaneously surfaced in many of the interviews. Participants’ comments involving gender were identified using NVivo 12 software and were then qualitatively analyzed using a team-based methodology (Marks in Current Psychol, 34(3): 494-505, 2015).


Two themes addressing the nexus of gender and religion were identified: Theme 1: Sanctity and Complementary Gender Roles in Sexual Relations; Theme 2: Interpreting and Safeguarding Gender Roles. Primary data excerpts are presented to illustrate each theme and implications and applications are discussed.

Conclusions and Implications

Professionals and individuals may examine how religious doctrine is translated into gender attitudes and roles. As individuals understand the many ways highly religious families view gender, gender roles, and gender attitudes, they may be open to examining a wider range of gender interpretations that still remain consistent with their doctrine.








我们使用由穆斯林、基督教徒和犹太家庭(N = 476 个人)组成的种族和民族多元化样本对 198 人进行了深入的定性访谈。关于人际关系中的性别问题并未包含在访谈问卷中,但在许多访谈中,与性别相关的问题自发地浮出水面。参与者的性别评论使用 NVivo 12 软件进行识别,然后使用基于团队的方法进行定性分析 (Marks in Current Psychol, 34(3): 494-505, 2015)。


确定了两个解决性别和宗教关系的主题:主题 1:性关系中的神圣和互补的性别角色;主题 2:解释和保护性别角色。提供了主要数据摘录以说明每个主题,并讨论了含义和应用。


