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Why is it time to stop referring to ‘Catholic Religious Education’?
Journal of Religious Education Pub Date : 2021-10-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s40839-021-00145-7
Sean Whittle 1

It is still surprisingly common to hear advocates of Catholic education refer to ‘Catholic’ Religious Education. This article will identify the issues bound up with the concept of ‘Catholic Religious Education’. It will be argued that at the very least using this concept is akin to a category mistake, and at worst it skews our understanding of Religious Education in Catholic schools and as such inevitably triggers off some problematical debates. The nature and scope of Religious Education in Catholic schools is in many respects contested in relation to whether it is catechesis or Confessional education. Much of this is to do with the way in which it is framed or aligned with being ‘Catholic’. An important priority now is to stop referring to this part of the curriculum as Catholic Religious Education.



