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College Comes to High School: Participation and Performance in Tennessee’s Innovative Wave of Dual-Credit Courses
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis ( IF 3.704 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-01 , DOI: 10.3102/01623737211052310
Steven W. Hemelt 1 , Tom Swiderski 1

We analyze the rollout of a Statewide Dual-Credit (SDC) program intended to expand access to college-level courses during high school. We find that SDC increased early postsecondary course-taking among students in the middle of the achievement distribution, especially through courses in vocational subjects, without decreasing participation in Advanced Placement (AP). However, SDC was mostly offered by schools already providing courses in similar subject areas and was less frequently offered in small relative to large schools, thus doing little to ameliorate placed-based gaps in course-taking opportunities. Furthermore, a majority of students failed the end-of-course exams necessary to secure college credit, and those who passed closely resemble students who pass AP exams. Low SDC exam pass rates predict school-level discontinuation of SDC courses over and above a range of other factors that reflect student demand and staffing capacity.



我们分析了旨在扩大在高中期间获得大学水平课程的全州双学分 (SDC) 计划的推出。我们发现 SDC 在成绩分布中间的学生中增加了早期中学后课程的学习,特别是通过职业科目的课程,而没有减少进阶先修 (AP) 的参与。然而,SDC 主要由已经提供类似学科领域课程的学校提供​​,并且相对于大型学校而言,小型学校提供的频率较低,因此几乎无法改善基于位置的课程学习机会差距。此外,大多数学生未能通过获得大学学分所需的期末考试,而那些通过的学生与通过 AP 考试的学生非常相似。
