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Web survey data on the use of the English language in the Japanese workplace
World Englishes ( IF 1.154 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-01 , DOI: 10.1111/weng.12574
Takunori Terasawa 1

This study sought to determine the extent to which English has spread in Japanese society. It analyses large-scale web panel-based questionnaire survey data and estimates English use frequency using a bias correction method. The results show that for most types of English use investigated, the average frequencies were less than five times a year, the proportions of English users were less than 20%, and these frequencies varied according to the type of language use and workers’ attributes. These findings suggest that English use in Japan is limited to a small specific group of workers. Furthermore, the use of English productive skills was shown to be less than 10%, whereas the use of English receptive skills and other cross-linguistic behaviours were more common. Based on these findings, this study discusses the scale of the spread of English in Japan from the perspective of English use frequency.



这项研究旨在确定英语在日本社会的传播程度。它分析大规模基于网络的问卷调查数据,并使用偏差校正方法估计英语使用频率。结果显示,对于大多数被调查的英语使用类型,平均每年使用频率不到五次,英语用户的比例低于20%,并且这些频率根据语言使用类型和工人属性的不同而变化。这些发现表明,日本的英语使用仅限于一小部分特定工人。此外,英语生产技能的使用不到 10%,而英语接受技能和其他跨语言行为的使用则更为常见。基于这些发现,本研究从英语使用频率的角度讨论了英语在日本的传播规模。