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Exploring Consumer Acceptance of Insect-based Snack Products in Ireland
Journal of Food Products Marketing Pub Date : 2021-11-03 , DOI: 10.1080/10454446.2021.1994080
Megan Herbert 1 , Emma Beacom 1


A significant amount of research has emerged in recent years highlighting the nutritional, economic and environmental benefits of using insects as a food source (entomophagy). This study investigates consumer perceptions toward insect-based snack products in the Republic of Ireland, with the aim of generating insights that would help companies achieve future success with these products in the Irish market. A two-phase mixed methods approach was used: (i) online survey, and (ii) online focus groups and consumer idealized design activity. Findings revealed that although the majority had not consumed an insect-based food product before, there was some willingness to try these products, and preferred carriers and flavor combinations were indicated. Further, although this study confirmed that Irish consumers experience many of the barriers to acceptance identified in previous studies, potential drivers to acceptance were also identified, indicating that these barriers could be overcome through product design, education and effective marketing strategies.




近年来出现了大量研究,强调了使用昆虫作为食物来源(食虫)的营养、经济和环境效益。本研究调查了爱尔兰共和国消费者对以昆虫为基础的零食产品的看法,目的是产生洞察力,帮助公司在未来通过这些产品在爱尔兰市场取得成功。使用了两阶段混合方法:(i) 在线调查,以及 (ii) 在线焦点小组和消费者理想化设计活动。调查结果显示,尽管大多数人之前没有食用过以昆虫为基础的食品,但还是有一些人愿意尝试这些产品,并指出了首选的载体和风味组合。更远,
