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Blended Learning in Principles of Marketing: The Effects of Student Differences on Student Performance
Journal of Marketing Education Pub Date : 2021-11-13 , DOI: 10.1177/02734753211058357
Joseph P. Cannon 1 , Ritu Lohtia 2 , Brianna JeeWon Paulich 3

Blended learning, which combines the benefits of both online learning and face-to-face instruction, is becoming popular in higher education. Despite its increase in application, there is limited research on the mechanisms to improve student performance in blended learning courses. This article aims to identify and empirically test individual factors influencing student performance in an introductory marketing course offered in a blended learning format. Through two surveys conducted during the semester at two large, public business schools, we find that metacognitive regulation, metacognitive knowledge, and student effort enhance student performance in blended learning courses. We also find that self-efficacy and course-specific attitudes affect metacognition and student effort. Based on the results, we provide practical strategies to design blended learning courses that improve student performance.



