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Transborder Capitalism and National Reconciliation: The American Press Reimagines U.S.-Mexico Relations after the Civil War
Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era ( IF 0.407 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-15 , DOI: 10.1017/s1537781421000578
Alys Beverton 1

The end of the Civil War did not eradicate Americans’ concerns regarding the fragility of their republic. For many years after Appomattox, newspapers from across the political spectrum warned that the persistence of sectionalism in the postwar United States threatened to condemn the country to the kind of interminable internal disorder supposedly endemic among the republics of Latin America. This article examines how, from the early 1870s onward, growing numbers of U.S. editors, journalists, and political leaders called on Americans to concentrate on extending their nation’s commercial reach into Mexico. In doing so, they hoped to topple divisive domestic issues—notably Reconstruction—from the top of the national political agenda. These leaders in U.S. public discourse also anticipated that collaboration in a project to extend the United States’ continental power would revive affective bonds of nationality between the people of the North and South. In making this analysis, this article argues that much of the early impetus behind U.S. commercial penetration south of the Rio Grande after the Civil War was fueled by Americans’ deep anxieties regarding the integrity of their so-called exceptional republic.



内战的结束并没有消除美国人对其共和国脆弱性的担忧。在阿波马托克斯之后的许多年里,来自各个政治领域的报纸都警告说,战后美国持续存在的局部主义威胁着该国陷入据称在拉丁美洲共和国中普遍存在的那种无休止的内部混乱。本文探讨了从 1870 年代初期开始,越来越多的美国编辑、记者和政治领导人如何呼吁美国人集中精力将其国家的商业影响力扩展到墨西哥。通过这样做,他们希望将分裂的国内问题——尤其是重建——从国家政治议程的首位推翻。这些美国领导人 公共话语还预计,在扩大美国大陆力量的项目中的合作将恢复南北人民之间的民族情感纽带。在进行这一分析时,本文认为,内战后美国商业渗透到格兰德河以南的早期推动力,很大程度上是由美国人对其所谓特殊共和国完整性的深深焦虑所推动的。