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Redressing forced removals of Yenish children in Switzerland in the 20th century: An analysis through transitional justice lens
Childhood ( IF 1.802 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-18 , DOI: 10.1177/09075682211061449
Elena Patrizi 1

‘A society that does not tackle the bitterest chapters of its past risks repeating the same mistakes – sooner or later'. These are the words pronounced by the Swiss Minister of Justice to apologise for the harm suffered by victims of coercive social measures. Apology is one of the measures established by Switzerland for dealing with the legacy of forced removals of Yenish children. Through an analysis of the reparation schemes undertaken in Switzerland, the article shows that relying on the theoretical framework provided by transitional justice facilitates making a critical assessment of reparation schemes for past child abuse cases.


纠正 20 世纪瑞士强制驱逐的叶尼人儿童:从过渡时期司法角度分析

