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Balancing of parallel U-shaped assembly lines with a heuristic algorithm based on bidirectional priority values
Concurrent Engineering ( IF 2.118 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-22 , DOI: 10.1177/1063293x211065506
Yuling Jiao 1 , Xue Deng 1 , Mingjuan Li 1 , Xiaocui Xing 1 , Binjie Xu 1

Aiming at improving assembly line efficiency and flexibility, a balancing method of parallel U-shaped assembly line system is proposed. Based on the improved product priority diagram, the bidirectional priority value formula is obtained. Then, assembly lines are partitioned into z-q partitions and workstations are defined. After that, the mathematical model of the parallel U-shaped assembly line balancing problem is established. A heuristic algorithm based on bidirectional priority values is used to solve explanatory examples and test examples. It can be seen from the results and the effect indicators of the assembly line balancing problem that the heuristic algorithm is suitable for large balancing problems. The proposed method has higher calculation accuracy and shorter calculation time. The balancing effect of the parallel U-shaped assembly line is better than that of single U-shaped assembly line, which verifies the superiority of the parallel U-type assembly line and effectiveness of the proposed method. It provides a theoretical and practical reference for parallel U-type assembly line balancing problem.


基于双向优先级值的启发式算法平衡平行 U 形装配线

