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Nigerian Pentecostal Diasporic Missions and Intergenerational Conflicts: Case Studies from Amsterdam and London
Mission Studies Pub Date : 2021-12-15 , DOI: 10.1163/15733831-12341812
Bisi Adenekan-Koevoets 1

Since the 1960s, African-led Pentecostal churches have flourished in the UK and Europe, often identifying the evangelisation of White indigenous populations as a key missiological aspiration. This desire has not yet been realised, although by numbers and social engagement, African Pentecostals are making their presence known and returning conversations on religion to the public sphere in Europe. This article, based on case studies in London and Amsterdam, departs from established scholarship on ‘reverse missions’ by arguing that intergenerational conflicts within Nigerian-initiated Pentecostal churches in Europe are a significant obstacle hindering their missional aims. This qualitative study focuses on second- and subsequent-generation Nigerian migrants and their perceptions of the missiological and religious activities of the first generation, exploring intergenerational conflicts relating to leadership; indigenous beliefs/practices; gender/cultural norms, and missiological approaches. It argues that addressing these points of conflict will be an important tool for the missional success of African Pentecostals in Europe.



自 1960 年代以来,以非洲人为首的五旬节教会在英国和欧洲蓬勃发展,经常将向白人土著人口传福音视为一项重要的宣教志向。这一愿望尚未实现,尽管通过人数和社会参与,非洲五旬节派正在宣传他们的存在,并将有关宗教的对话带回欧洲的公共领域。本文基于伦敦和阿姆斯特丹的案例研究,与关于“反向宣教”的既定学术背道而驰,认为欧洲由尼日利亚发起的五旬节教会内部的代际冲突是阻碍其宣教目标的重大障碍。这项定性研究侧重于尼日利亚第二代和后代移民及其对第一代传教和宗教活动的看法,探索与领导力相关的代际冲突;土著信仰/习俗;性别/文化规范和宣教方法。它认为解决这些冲突点将是非洲五旬节派在欧洲成功传教的重要工具。
