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Teaching and learning strategies used by basic school band instructors in Accra, Ghana
Journal of the Musical Arts in Africa Pub Date : 2021-12-28 , DOI: 10.2989/18121004.2021.2013005
John-Doe Dordzro 1


Ghanaian scholarship in the field of instrumental music pedagogy is minimal. This article aims to examine the teaching and learning strategies demonstrated by basic school band instructors in the Accra metropolis of Ghana. Ten basic school bands and five school band instructors were purposively selected and studied in 2015 and 2016. Analyses of video recordings from rehearsals, fieldnotes and interviews revealed that teacher-directed instruction was the most used approach. To meet their teaching goals and objectives, most school band instructors used the rote teaching system with only a few utilising staff notation. Because of the many challenges of playing in a band, as well as the potential limitations of certain teaching approaches, instructors may need to consider other strategies such as teaching beyond the full-band class, implementing materials specifically intended for school bands, and utilising aural and visual models.




加纳在器乐教育学领域的奖学金很少。本文旨在研究加纳首都阿克拉的基础学校乐队教师展示的教学和学习策略。2015 年和 2016 年有针对性地选择和研究了 10 个基础学校乐队和 5 名学校乐队教师。对来自排练、现场笔记和采访的视频记录的分析表明,教师指导的教学是最常用的方法。为了达到他们的教学目标和目的,大多数学校乐队教师使用死记硬背的教学系统,只有少数使用人员符号。由于在乐队中演奏会遇到许多挑战,以及某些教学方法的潜在局限性,教师可能需要考虑其他策略,例如在全乐队课程之外进行教学,
